"ifconfig [dev_name] up"

int interface_up(char * interface_name)

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The Internet Protocol (IP) is the heart of the Linux messaging system. While Linux (more or less) strictly adheres to the layering concept - and it is possible to use a different protocol (like ATM) - IP is almost always the nexus through which packets flow. The IP implementation of the network layer performs routing and forwarding as well as encapsulating data. See Figure 2.1 for a simplified diagram of how network packets move through the Linux kernel.


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Sited from Vbird
awk 則比較傾向於一行當中分成數個『欄位』來處理

awk '條件類型1{動作1} 條件類型2{動作2} ...' filename

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Static link:


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  • Dec 01 Thu 2011 22:23
  • MTK



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What is callback?


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Support blocking Send/Recv


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Native C applications for Android

The Android Java SDK is nice and all, but what if you want to run some C service or code? Well, it turns out that this isn't exactly difficult. You can compile an application using a standard Linux cross-compiler, install it and run your programs from the shell.

You will need a cross-compiler (make sure you get the ARM GNU/Linux target). Then you can just create your program, compile, and upload to the device:

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Compile Android kernel from the source

I confirmed the following procedure only on my linux host (FC8). Sorry for Windows and Mac users.

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