Three Cs model指的是我們可以將所有cache miss歸類成三大類:

1. Compulsory misses

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IPC:Message Queues:<sys/msg.h>

Two (or more) processes can exchange information via access to a common system message queue.


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Shared Memory is an efficeint means of passing data between programs. One program will create a memory portion which other processes (if permitted) can access.


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  • Aug 23 Mon 2010 11:44
  • Pipe

1. This is pipe2.c. It start rather like the first examples, up until we make the call to fork.
UNIX allows two ways of opening a pipe:

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We have now began to see how multiple processes may be running on a machine and maybe be controlled (spawned by fork() by one of our programs.

In numerous applications there is clearly a need for these processes to communicate with each exchanging data or control information. There are a few methods which can accomplish this task. We will consider:

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pac dsp頻率:264MHZ

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The POSIX thread libraries are a standards based thread API for C/C++. It allows one to spawn a new concurrent process flow. It is most effective on multi-processor or multi-core systems where the process flow can be scheduled to run on another processor thus gaining speed through parallel or distributed processing.

Threads require less overhead than "forking" or spawning a new process because the system does not initialize a new system virtual memory space and environment for the process.

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1. 載入BIOS (Basic Input Output System) 的硬體資訊與進行自我測試,依據設定取得第一個可開機的裝置 (CD-ROM, Hard disk, floopy)

2. 讀取並且執行第一個開機裝置內MBR (Master Boot Record)的boot loader (也就是grub , LILO, spfdisk...etc)

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1. link_list_utils.c

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提供使用者在異質多核心平台上撰寫平行程式的API,以cell為例,在cell上撰寫程式是相對困難的 (MPMD Model) ,因此,實作MPI Standard以減低撰寫的困難度及移植程式的困難度

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